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Common Questions

Useful Information

Find answers to some of the questions you may have regarding The SoulFisher Ministries here. We’ve addressed some of the most common ones below, but if something isn’t clear feel free to contact us. We’ll be happy to assist you in any way possible.


Q: How does employment reduce the rates of recidivism?

A: Employment can be beneficial to reducing the rates of recidivism in many ways. When former felons are employed they can have a steady income and meet their basic needs. Employment allows former felons to have a sense of purpose and to be able to manage their time effectively. 


Q: How can employers support employees with criminal records?

A:  Support begins with providing proper training to employees, creating mentorship programs, a safe, inclusive and non discriminatory  work environment. 


Q: Policy doesn't allow it?

A: Be the first to make a change within your corporation, we know that not all businesses will support second chance employment, but you can discuss with your advisor or higher-up to discuss further if second chance employment could be right for your organization. Contact AGAPE Team for information on helping your organization become second chance friendly. Below is a link for helpful tips on best practices for successful second chance hiring.

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